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Selibasi rohaniwan

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Selibasi rohaniwan adalah syarat di agama-agama tertentu bahwa beberapa atau seluruh anggota rohaniwan harus tak menikah. Agama tersebut menganggap bahwa hubungan luar nikah, pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku seksual menyimpang adalah dosa; selibasi rohaniwan juga mensyaratkan pencegahan dari hal tersebut.


  • E. Vacandard, "Les origines du célibat ecclésiastique", in Études de Critique et d'Histoire Religieuse (1906:69–120)
  • Charles A. Frazee, "The origins of clerical celibacy in the Western Church", Church History 41 (1972:149–67).
  • Cochini, Christian, The Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy, Ignatius Pr. (October 1990). ISBN 0-89870-951-2, ISBN 0-89870-280-1.
  • Heid, Stefan (2000). Celibacy in the Early Church. The Beginnings of a Discipline of Obligatory Continence for Clerics in East and West. Michael J. Miller (transl. from German). San Francisco: Ignatius Press. hlm. 376. ISBN 0-89870-800-1. 
  • Rose, Michael S., Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic Church, Regnery Publishing, Inc. (June 25, 2002). ISBN 0-89526-144-8. Reviewed here
  • Texts by Eugen Drewermann, Jean-Louis Christ (celibacy and globalization) and Bruno Bontempelli, in Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly ou le triomphe de l'écriture: pour une nouvelle lecture de Un prêtre marié by Jean-Pierre Thiollet, H & D, Paris, 2006 (ISBN 2-914-26606-5, 2007)
  • Jack Goody 1983 The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe (Cambridge University Press); review: [1]
  • Grisar, Hartmann, Luther, 6 vols., London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd, (1913–17). Online from the Internet Archive. See vol. 3, ch.xvii, (pp. 241–273), On Marriage and Sexuality.
  • Lea, Henry Charles, History of Sacerdotal Celibacy, Houghton Mifflin, 1867.

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