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Kualitas hidup
Kualitas hidup
Подписчиков: 0, рейтинг: 0
Kualitas hidup diartikan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia sebagai "persepsi seseorang mengenai posisi mereka dalam kehidupan dalam konteks sistem-sistem nilai dan budaya di tempat mereka hidup dan dalam hubungannya dengan tujuan, ekspektasi, standar, dan perhatian mereka". Indikator standar dari kualitas hidup meliputi kesejahteraan, pekerjaan, lingkungan hidup, kesehatan fisik dan mental, pendidikan, rekreasi dan waktu luang, keterlibatan sosial, kepercayaan agama, keselamatan, keamanan, dan kebebasan. Kualitas hidup memiliki sejumlah besar konteks, yang meliputi bidang pembangunan internasional, perawatan kesehatan, politik dan pekerjaan.
Bacaan tambahan
- Eric Ezechieli, "Beyond Sustainable Development: Education for Gross National Happiness in Bhutan"
Pranala luar
Bahan belajar tentang What Matters di Wikiversity
- Ethical Markets Quality of Life Indicators Diarsipkan 2022-01-11 di Wayback Machine.
- The First European Quality of Life Survey 2003
- Quality of Life in a Changing Europe, A research project on the quality of lives and work of European citizens
- Ensuring quality of life in Europe's cities and towns, European Environment Agency
- AQoL Instruments, Quality of Life Assessment Instruments – Centre for Health Economics, Monash University Australia
- The Quality-of-Life-Recorder (Shareware/Freeware) – An electronic questionnaire platform for MS Windows and Java with preconfigured adoptions of numerous important Quality-of-Life instruments (including SF-36, EORTC QLQ-C30) in multiple languages
- Applied Research in Quality of Life, the official journal of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies
- Child Indicators Research, the official journal of the International Society for Child Indicators
- Quality of Life Research, an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care, and rehabilitation – official journal of the International Society of Quality of Life Research
- After 2015: '3D Human Wellbeing', policy briefing on the value of refocusing development on 3D human wellbeing for pro-poor policy change, from the Institute of Development Studies, UK.
- Mercer Quality of Living survey
- Basic Guide to the World: Quality of Life Throughout the World
- Family database, OECD
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