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Selibasi rohaniwan
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Selibasi rohaniwan adalah syarat di agama-agama tertentu bahwa beberapa atau seluruh anggota rohaniwan harus tak menikah. Agama tersebut menganggap bahwa hubungan luar nikah, pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku seksual menyimpang adalah dosa; selibasi rohaniwan juga mensyaratkan pencegahan dari hal tersebut.
- E. Vacandard, "Les origines du célibat ecclésiastique", in Études de Critique et d'Histoire Religieuse (1906:69–120)
- Charles A. Frazee, "The origins of clerical celibacy in the Western Church", Church History 41 (1972:149–67).
- Cochini, Christian, The Apostolic Origins of Priestly Celibacy, Ignatius Pr. (October 1990). ISBN 0-89870-951-2, ISBN 0-89870-280-1.
- Heid, Stefan (2000). Celibacy in the Early Church. The Beginnings of a Discipline of Obligatory Continence for Clerics in East and West. Michael J. Miller (transl. from German). San Francisco: Ignatius Press. hlm. 376. ISBN 0-89870-800-1.
- Rose, Michael S., Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic Church, Regnery Publishing, Inc. (June 25, 2002). ISBN 0-89526-144-8. Reviewed here
- Texts by Eugen Drewermann, Jean-Louis Christ (celibacy and globalization) and Bruno Bontempelli, in Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly ou le triomphe de l'écriture: pour une nouvelle lecture de Un prêtre marié by Jean-Pierre Thiollet, H & D, Paris, 2006 (ISBN 2-914-26606-5, 2007)
- Jack Goody 1983 The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe (Cambridge University Press); review: [1]
- Grisar, Hartmann, Luther, 6 vols., London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd, (1913–17). Online from the Internet Archive. See vol. 3, ch.xvii, (pp. 241–273), On Marriage and Sexuality.
- Lea, Henry Charles, History of Sacerdotal Celibacy, Houghton Mifflin, 1867.
Pranala luar
- Catholic Encyclopedia: Celibacy of the Clergy
- The biblical foundation of priestly celibacy
- On Clerical Celibacy in the Catholic Church, Part I Diarsipkan 2009-02-03 di Wayback Machine.
- On Clerical Celibacy in the Catholic Church, Part II Diarsipkan 2009-02-22 di Wayback Machine.
- Francis Speaks, Scalfari Transcribes, Brandmüller Shreds – by Sandro Magister
- Interview with Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo (video)
- Interview with Father Alan Phillip (video)
- An Eastern Orthodox discussion of the view of celibacy/continence as an Apostolic Tradition.
- Catholic Apologetics of America: a large, informative blog faithful to Sacred Scripture and Sacred Oral Tradition from the Catholic perspective. Some information available on celibacy. Many links to Catholic websites with articles on priestly celibacy are also available.
- Parsha, Ki Tisa:Why Moses Remained Celibate—from the Oral Torah
- Recent online interview with Archbishop George Stallings, Jr., former Roman Catholic Priest, about "Married Priests Now!" movement.
- Paradosis (Tradition): The Handing On of Divine Revelation Strong's no.3862[2] cf.Katecheo (Catechism)[3]
- Calvin on monasticism excerpts from his commentary on Jeremiah 5:30-31[4] and his Institutes; book 4, chapter 13, sections 10, 14, 15.
- Reflections on Clerical Family Life; from the History of the Christian Church, vol, vii by Philip Schaff cf. Polygamy
- Petition of certain preachers of Switzerland to the Most Reverend Lord Hugo, Bishop of Constance, that he will not...endure longer the scandal of harlotry, but allow the priests to marry wives or at least wink at their marriages, JULY 2, 1522—Huldrych Zwingli
- Celibacy in Jewish Tradition